Saturday, August 2, 2014

LG have 3000 Applications on Application Store

LG Electronics officially open a new application stores in 23 countries, LG Application Store since July 1, 2010 this. Vendors application store from South Korea is providing approximately 3000 applications.

LG is also temporary application only supports applications for the Windows Mobile operating system only. LG plans later this year will provide an application that supports OS Android. Starting from the game until the application of SNS (Social Networking Service), IM (Instant Messenger), VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and navigation.

Store application is a weapon for our vendors to indulge once ponslel attract prospective buyers. Based on data strategu Analytics, 90 percent of phone owners are very interested in social networking applications, and Instant Messaging.

LG targets at year end 2010, the number of applications in the store reaches approximately 4000 and expand its services in 33 countries.[]

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